Sunday, October 15, 2006

Are You Insane ??

Hello ,,

Are You insane ? he Told me , and he was my class colleague , i thought really if i was insane for been here ?? , my name is abdallah , can't tell of a certain nationality as i personally dont believe in nationalities or lets say i feel strange where am supposed to come from , i was born in asia , raised in africa , in my 2nd year of media science study , i came thru a fact , i am not yet approved in here , three weeks ago , a teacher told me are you an egyptian ?? later she said : i will find out your secret ,, my secret which i personally cant find yet ,, in my free time between lectures i look around , someone looks at me bak , i find myself lazy despite what people think of me ,, i got a lot of thoughts inmybrain , i start writing them , in a few seconds ,, they are GONE!! hell yes , that ws such a long into , blahblah , come bak soon , my brain will be blowing out some thoughts soon ,, and find why my freind thought am insane !!
N.B. This blog Do not Apply Any kind of Spell Check or grammar correction , so dont think am typing the wrong letter !!!


  1. Anonymous said...

    جميل يا عبدالله انك تكون مجنون او تشعر انك عاوز تكون كده

    بس الأحلي انك تحاول تطبق الجنون ده في حياتك

    في علاقاتك و تعاملك و شغلك واسلوب حديثك و تعبيرك عن مشاعرك

    بكده هتكون مختلف

    والمختلف هوا المجنون

    والمجنون هو الابقي لأثره في الحياة

    أنا اعتبر البنا و القرضاوي والافغاني و رشيد رضا والعوا وهويدي وعمرو خالد وابراهيم الفقي و ناس تانيه كتييير

    اعتبر كل هؤلاء يمكلون جزءا من الجنون

    لانهم غيروا باسأليب جديدة

    سواء بحديثهم أو أفكارهم او نظرياتهم او مراجعاتهم الفكرية

    تركوا التقليد واتجهوا نحو الجديد

    حاول تكون زيهم هيكون لك شان كبير ان شاء الله في الحياة

    تمنياتي بالتوفيق

    ويا ريت تورينا جنونك ده في افريقيا

  2. Unknown said...

    It's a nice writing-style, especialy that own made words. In normal life, you also use that kind of words. It's almost like talking to you