Monday, October 15, 2007

Is it yet time?

Looking Back at my messages , A message shows with the following : " Sorry , Disconnecting without Warning " , Not even in my most thrilled dreams have I thought of it turning into a reality , to become more than just a text message…into a lifetime certainty..

And while I look around hoping for some good news , I make a review of my life in a 10 months period ,,, since the beginning till the sudden end .. "This is what supposed to happen a long time ago" I heard that phrase and I kept wondering … what is it that supposed to happen? And if you know so... Why did you start it all?

Just like all events we pass thru in our life … You Get Excited in the Beginning... Gradually Becoming Bored - You return to the stealth mate State... But you never Forget about it...Even if you give yourself the illusion of that... Simply Because Rules of Psychology Apply … In the End We are all Humans...

"I don't Like someone to give me the impression of me been a fool "... Why wouldn't you tell him? If you take it on and get adapted with it then you are as you think … simply because you put yourself into illusions... Not even attempting to inquire about it... I am sympathized...

During the time, I kept hearing this phrase "They've said real bad things ... I can't anymore " What are those things? How are they bad? The Answer Space was left blank... Giving you the wide imagination of trying to interpret the meaning in between the words …putting my brain into schooldays again... "Research"

I pass everyday by your home on way to home... Really pathetic and ironic at the same time... Isn't it? Mind it that I didn't choose my Route... Should we call it Destiny Choice or Destiny Mocking Me?

While I look around... I have a little smile... Of those who thought of me been their subject... Thinking they were smarter than me... I am neither a genius nor a geek... But still, I can Fetch Those Trapping me... Darling: I've known it all... And I abided by silence with my own will...